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Giving them the chance to start over

Welcome to the organization ‘Starting Over’, discover what we do

Starting Over -

Rehabilitation sanctuary

The rehabilitation sanctuary is home to 900 animals rescued from all over the country after suffering from neglect and severe abuse.

In the sanctuary, they undergo mental and physical rehabilitation and are given the opportunity for a life of freedom and security, and in fact - an opportunity to start over


Starting Over CR -

Changing their reality

 what we do for animal rights

Our day-to-day struggle against the phenomenon of abuse and against the Chinese donkey skin industry - the ejiao industry.

Our goal - to turn donkeys into a protected nature value, just as it was with other animals that needed the protection of the law.


Herut Center -

The  educational center

At the heart of the rehabilitative sanctuary Orly Vilnai and Nitzan Misels have set up an educational center to prevent the next abuse.

In the past year, thousands of children, at-risk youth and private families have come for  educational activities at the Herut Center


  Our 3 guidelines:

  • Rescue and rehabilitate as many animals in need of help.

  • Education of the younger generation for non-violence against animals and non-violence in general

  • Promote animal rights to stop abuse, slavery and the donkey skin industry - ejiao industry

Help us stop it, sign the petition

Sign the petition to turn the donkey into a protected species,

together we will stop the abuse, slavery and trafficking of donkeys

Donkeys, one of the most intelligent, sensitive and loyal animals - were born into a reality where abuse and slavery are allowed.

In recent years, two things have happened that have made their harsh reality a nightmare:

1. As social media took on a more central place - abuse in the hands of children  became a common, accepted and daily phenomenon.

2. Ejiao, a gelatin used in Chinese cosmetics and natural medicine has become extremely popular and the companies that supply the ejiao have grown and have become large.

Ejiao is produced only from the skins of donkeys and in light of the demand this industry is claiming the lives of millions of donkeys a year.

We can prevent this industry from taking the lives of the donkeys left in Israel as well.

In addition, defining them as a protected species - will allow them to be removed from the cycle of hard labor that involves abuse and daily violence under the protection of the law.


Sign the petition and help us turn donkeys into a protected species!

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חתמו על העצומה

Starting Over CR - Changing reality

Activities of the organization for animal rights

Fighting with day-to-day abuse, slavery, the donkey skin industry and promoting their status as a protected species.

The project to fly the donkeys that have been rescued and rehabilitated to sanctuaries in Europe

Airplane Wing

Our partners in creating a better world for animals


Violence as a social phenomenon -

Why is it happening?


Behind the scenes - After a life of suffering and pain, the ejiao industry is the final stop

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Starting Over - The rehabilitation sanctuary

Every year the rehabilitation sanctuary rescues and rehabilitates hundreds of animals that have suffered abuse, exploitation and severe neglect.

In the sanctuary, they undergo mental and physical rehabilitation and are given the opportunity for a life of freedom and security, and in fact -


An opportunity to start over.

Herut Center

The Educational Center - Herut Center, works around the clock to educate non-violence against animals and non-violence in general, with a clear goal to prevent further abuse, to educate for compassion, seeing and accepting each other.


Every year thousands of children, schools, at-risk youth and families come to the Herut Center from all over the country and go on tours where they hear the stories of the animals and understand their harsh reality outside a protected space.


In addition, the Herut Center runs annual, multi-year programs, series of meetings, lectures, workshops and a mutual rehabilitation system with children and youth at risk that has a significant impact for the animals and for the children and youth themselves.


Starting over in the media

Our activities for animals, the rehabilitation sanctuary and the educational center have been covered in the media many times.

Article on Channel 13

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Article on Kan 11


Article on Channel 12, Calcalist


For all our media appearances, click here

Help us for them

Starting Over association rescues and rehabilitates hundreds of animals who suffered abuse and neglect each year.


Beyond rescue and rehabilitation, the association works to promote the rights of animals who are living under intolerable conditions.

Alongside these projects, the association works in close collaboration with the Herut Center, an educational center that changes the awareness of thousands of kids, youth, and families that attends its tours, workshops, and lectures.

We need your help to continue to work towards creating a better world for animals as well as a better world for the younger generation. The association’s funding is based solely on donations.


With your support, we can change animals’ reality, allowing them to be somebody rather than something and give them the opportunity to start over.

We wish to thank you on behalf of the sanctuary’s residents, those who need us outside the sanctuary, and the young people experiencing a shift in their perception and understanding of animals and of themselves.

The donation is recognized for tax refund in Israel under section 46.

Donate by bank transfer


Account name: Start over


IBAN Account No.: IL360111450000150269325

Donate by bank transfer
If you are in Israel -
bank account:

Account name: Starting Over
Account 167650
Discount Bank
Branch 145 Weizmann Givatayim

Receipt for donation by bank transfer or through the Apps.

Please send us a message to

העמותה בתקשורת

Take part

Along with financial support there are many ways to support us, support that is very important and helps us tremendously


and working time

Equipment and working time of professionals in their field are two things of great value to us.

If you are professionals in your field and want to contribute to us your knowledge and time,

and if you have equipment that can help us and you would like to contribute it we will be happy to receive an email:

Carpentry Work


Support the future of the organization and leave us a donation in your will.

Or share what we do with people who even after they pass on will still  care about helping animals. 


We will be happy to answer any question on the subject and think together about the best way to commemorate your relatives.


Join our community on social media

As we grow bigger on social media, more people are exposed to our activities, report on animals that need help and support us

Click on the attached icons and subscribe to our social media channels.

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it helps us!

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  • TikTok
All Hands In

Share our activities with journalists

Media channels are some of our most effective ways to continue to increase our activities for the sake of animals.


Do you know anyone? Do you yourself deal with a media body?


Please contact us, we will be happy to provide all the materials and information needed to help us with exposure

Image by Sam McGhee
קחו חלק

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