Meet Madonna!
Madonna the cow grew up in a meat and dairy farm. When she reached the "slaughter age" (four and a half years old, when the milk yield decreases), the date of sending her to slaughter was set. Fortunately for Madonna, the woman who looked after her became especially attached to Madonna. And Madonna to her. Madonna used to wait for her arrival every morning, just like a dog - and even called for her.
The woman, unable to bear the thought of Madonna's fate, managed to free her and save her life. She reached out to us, and we welcomed Maddona into our sanctuary. Since then, Madonna has blossomed in the cow compound with her friends Snow, Niva, Jasmine, and Lena and acts as their mother.
The woman who rescued Madonna makes a point of visiting her in the shelter. Even before she arrives, Madonna senses her presence, and her excitement is palpable. She starts mooing in anticipation. And when her human friend reaches her, she runs towards her excitedly and licks her from head to toe.
Adopt me!
Madonna's friends: